MESFA - Multi ElkArte Sub Forum Addon

Last Update: Dec 21, 2014

This addon is 100% hooks based requiring no source edits to install.

Works with ElkArte: 1.0


Allows any subdomain(s) (including domain) to act as if it is a forum on its own. User just need to point them to the same directory. Category or categories can be shared and assigned to any of these subforums.

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###What is SubForum and what can it do for you?

  • If you have a large forum with many categories and board, this feature can help you, to split all the boards into smaller pieces. The splitting is based on the categories.
  • You can setup the categories for each Subforum. In the Subforum you see (and can work) only with the boards and topics in the categories, they you have assigned to the subforum.
  • All ElkArte internal functions like unread topics, search and much more worked only on the boards you can see. Any attempt to read a topic outside the subforum, ends in message, that you not have access to this. Also you can setup which Membergroups have access to each Subforum.


Download a package by URL

  • Download a package by URL is a quick way to download a package from the web to your forum. Using (Package Manager -> Download Package) enter the below link under the “Download a package by url” field and select Download. This will save the package to your server where you can install it.

Upload a Package

  • Alternatively, download the package using the below link and then using (Package Manager -> Upload Package) browse to where you saved the package on your computer and upload it to the server. You may also FTP the downloaded file directly to your packages directory.


This ElkArte Addon is subject to the terms of the BSD 3-Clause Simplified (the “License”). You can obtain a copy of the License at