Works with ElkArte: 1.0-1.1
Automatically resizes attached images that are larger than a defined width X height bounding, or those that are larger than the allowed maximum size KB as defined in your admin panel.
Will resize attachment images (.jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp and .webp (1.1.9+)) to fit within the bounds specified. The image format will be maintained unless it is unable to fit the resized image within the max allowed file size specified. In this case, if the optional change format is enabled, the system will convert the image to either JPEG/WEBP for better compression.
- The ability to set a max width and height for attached images, images are resized proportionately
- The ability to allow converting image formats only if its required to maintain the file within the specified max file size
- Allows the post form to attach files up the maximum allowed by the server, this allows uploading of larger images and then having them resized on the server.
Download a package by URL
- Download a package by URL is a quick way to download a package from the web to your forum. Using (Package Manager -> Download Package) enter the below link under the “Download a package by url” field and select Download. This will save the package to your server where you can install it.
Upload a Package
- Alternatively, download the package using the below link and then using (Package Manager -> Upload Package) browse to where you saved the package on your computer and upload it to the server. You may also FTP the downloaded file directly to your packages directory.
This ElkArte Addon is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License version 1.1 (the “License”). You can obtain a copy of the License at